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Rainbow Ice Cream Champagne Punch

Fruity and festive, this colorful punch is a classic at celebrations. Made with rainbow sherbet and ice cream. 
Cuisine: American
Course: Beverages, Cocktails, Party Perfect
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Prep Time 10 minutes
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Total Time 10 minutes
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10 people
Servings 10 people


  • 64 oz cranberry juice
  • 1 bottle sparkling champagne
  • 2 quarts Prairie Farms Rainbow Sherbet
  • 1 48 oz Prairie Farms Premium Small Batch Vanilla Ice Cream


  • Pour 1 quart of cranberry juice into an ice cube trays and freeze for 2-3 hours or until ice. Refrigerate remaining cranberry juice and sparkling champagne before mixing punch.
  • In a large punch bowl pour cranberry juice and sparkling champagne wine together. Add cranberry juice ice cubes.
  • Scoop desired amount of Prairie Farms Rainbow Sherbet and Prairie Farms Vanilla Ice Cream over punch. Spoon into cups and serve immediately.


There's rarely a summer get together at my house that doesn't include this punch being served. It's fizzy and sweet and as the ice cream and sherbet melt a rainbow of creamy foam forms at the top. We like to continually add more ice cream to create a thick layer of foam. For the kids, we substitute the sparkling champagne with lemon-lime soda.